The Spirit of the SAMURAI
- Trading is forged with strategies, tactics, victories and defeats. Not much different from the tasks expected of a Samurai. Acceptance, self trust and the willingness to sacrify to reach the ultimate goal are some of the traits of this warrior. Coupled with the so called "sakki", the psychic power of imagination over matter is imperative. Just like the Samurai, traders would not engage in the trade without imagine his defeat (cut loss).
In trading, buying is easy and with full of HOPE and selling is always difficult; swarmed with lost or profit dilemma. And its obstacle is FEAR! Borrowed for the "Zen Budddhism", the Samurai learn to over fear by mentally prepared( prior imagination) for; and intense focusing on what he see at the moment of war. Likewise, the trader,especially the Daytrader would reduce his/her potential ruin by letting the market tell him/her what to do-i.e. taking action only in tandem with the instantaneous market/price action during the day.
Now, in our local context, for those who had bought StatsChp on Thursday, the 14 instant, at a rock bottom price of 97 cents was definitely a good decision as the market that was then bombarded with by big players. The price then oscillated from 98 cents to 96.5 on Friday. 3 bits were fiercely delcined under the pressure of the "deep pocket" traders. Disciplinarily,a Samurai-like trader would already exited at 0.97, making the necessarily decision; so as to live and fight another day.
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